Data analysis made easy!

ETAutolytics gives you rich automotive business insights in few simple clicks

1482 Suppliers

Profiles with their financials, clients & plants details

26 OEMs

Profiles with market share and plant capacity

4 Years

Historic data for production, sales & exports of vehicle

  • We use ETAutolytics regularly. The database helps us save time on analysis which is helpful for Business planning / Competitive intelligence. We liked all services portfolio offered by ETAutolytics under one tool.
    Rajratna Damle Marketing, Hella India Automotive Pvt. Ltd.
  • India automotive industry is going to accommodate much more players, which means we will have many opportunities to be connected with unfamiliar partners. Then basic information such as their vendors, customers, competitors, financial figures which don't appear in normal website but offered by ETAutolytics is very supportive for me. I always appreciate their service.
    Ryosuke Kusaka CEO of SEKISUI DLJM Molding Pvt.Ltd.
  • ETAutolytics is the best website for comprehensive information and detailed research on all Auto components and Auto ancillary industries. It has been a pleasure to interact with the young Team that has built this, their response and service quality are superlative. It is a must for all decision makers in the Auto and related industry.
    V.Rengaswamy Vice President (Finance & Accounts )
  • ETAutolytics provided comprehensive range of analytical solution to accelerate and simplify our analysis. It drives result-oriented decisions by making analytics an integral part. It Places the power of predictive analytics in the hands of business users. The easy navigation on the portal provide the real time inputs whenever required. Yet to be explore more features of the product.

Our Clients

& many more...

Production, Sales and Export trends for 61 OEMs:

  • 9 years of historic data available in monthly and yearly segmentation
  • Data available for 61 OEMs in the category PV, 2-Wheeler, CV, 3-Wheeler & Tractor
  • Market share insights for models

Supplier/OEM profiles for more than 3340 companies, that includes:

  • Financials for auto companies with raw Balance Sheets and P&L statements for up to past 6 years
  • Plant details with capacity
  • List of clients and Tier 1 suppliers
  • Products Manufactured & their competitors
  • Advanced search tool to help you reach the desired supplier lists faster and easier

Flexible and easy to use platform:

  • Only pay for what you use by building your custom plan
  • Build custom reports by adding quick filters
  • Export your results in excel or pdf formats for further analysis
Connect Online

Exploit your online presence:

  • Enhance your company page by adding company brief, videos & pictures
  • Connect with the automotive community with our 'Online Connect' feature that let's your page visitors directly connect with you!
  • Name: Ankit Saxena
  • Mobile: +91 9871281076
  • Email:

About Us

ETAutolytics is an initiative of ETAuto, which is the largest B2B news portal for the automotive industry in India.

ETAutolytics helps automotive companies in their business plans by telling them what's happening in the sector, and how it affects them. It does so, by sharing customised reports about the production and sale trends for different vehicles and provide granular company profiles that include financial & business details of the company. This helps companies in their business plans by providing them a tool that is very easy to use and saves cost and time!

India is the largest three wheeler manufacturer, the second largest two wheeler manufacturer and fifth largest for passenger vehicle in the world. Along with this, India is among the global leaders in Commercial Vehicle and Off-Road segments too. Despite these facts, the Indian Automotive industry continues to grow at an impressive pace and has many new opportunities in the near future. This propels the need for a business intelligence tool that helps the automotive companies in tandem with the progress and ETAutolytics serves just that.

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Ankit Saxena
+91 9871281076
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