Gates India Pvt. Ltd.

Company limited by Shares (2) 482+ employees

Gates India Pvt. Ltd. Description

Gates India Pvt Ltd was established in the year 1995 and is headquartered in Patiala. The company is a subsidiary of Gates Corporation. The company manufactures and markets hydraulic and industrial hoses. The company is one of the most advanced hose and tube assembly manufacturer. The company has successfully established itself as popular firm in the Indian market because of their parent company. The manufacturing facilities of the company is spread across an area of 35 acres near Chandigarh. The company is also has assembly facilities on Faridabad and Pune that helps serve their customers better. The company has also started their expansion on various projects at the Lalru plant that is near Chandigarh. Presently, the company is the largest manufacturers of v-belts, timing belts and serpentine belts. Gates is involved with almost every equipment manufacture across the globe virtually for the development of the new vehicles. They also provide accessories that include water pumps, belt tensioners, tube assemblies, pullets and sprockets and many more. The company has designed and produced the world's first v-belt. At Gates, qualified experienced employees and channel partners help in serving to diversified markets across the country as they have the right mix of people and offerings for their customers. The company always tries to achieve innovation and provides cutting edge to all of their employees that helps them serve their customers better always. The company products that are supplied to the customers are always of good quality. The company also promises to bring new -products and technologies in hydraulics by majorly focusing on the important markets that includes automotive, energy, infrastructure, transportation, exploration and extraction. Gates has invested in their research and development centre on a regular basis, bringing world class manufacturing capabilities, most advanced testing equipment and process control which has helped in making the products more reliable and customer friendly. The company is certified by ABS, DNV, GL and Lloyd's Register and various other products are certified by ARAI and ULTheir clients include Caterpillar India, L&T Komatsu, Ashok Leyland, Eicher, TATA Motors, Reliance and various others.

Gates India Pvt. Ltd. Overview

482+ employees
Company limited by Shares
Non-govt company
29 Sep,1995
N/A Related OEMs
N/A No. of plants

Company Breakup

Name share
Bodies Corporate
Total Number Of Shareholders 2
Shareholding As On 2016-09-30

Directors of Gates India Pvt. Ltd.

Name DIN Email Designation Date of joining
Teng Seen Khoo Unlock to View Unlock to View Director 06 Jul,2016
Rajesh Chamanlal Bhandari Unlock to View Unlock to View Managing director 29 Aug,2012
Manoj Kumar Saxena Unlock to View Unlock to View Whole-time director 29 Aug,2012
Kamal Kant Gambhir Unlock to View Unlock to View Whole-time director 01 Sep,2010

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