Volvo Buses India Pvt Ltd
Company limited by Shares (1)Volvo Buses India Pvt Ltd Description
Volvo Buses India Pvt Ltd is a private established in the year 2006 on 28 of November in Bangalore. The company is a manufacturer of bodies (coach work) for motor vehicle that comprises of 10 models and variants. Volvo buses India exports their products to various countries like: South Africa, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Volvo buses is a subsidiary of Volvo which became an independent division in the year 1968 based in Gothenburg. The company is one of the leading manufacturers of heavy commercial vehicle and diesel engines in more than 190 markets and 140 countries. The company has achieved a milestone of making the first bus on truck chassis in the year 1928. Volvo Company is annually delivers more than 10,000 vehicles with mastering electro mobility solutions. The company has more than 7000 dedicated employees working under them. Volvo’s production is in Europe, North & South America, Asia and Australia. The bus makers that are acquired by Volvo includes: Saffle Karosseri AB, Saffle, Sweden; Leyland Bus, United Kingdom; Steyr Bus GmbH, Steyr, Austria; Aabenraa Karrosseri A/S, Aabenraa, Denmark; Prevost Coaches, Quebec, Canada; Carrus Oy, Finland and Nova Bus, St-Eustache, Quebec, Canada. The company commits to quality means and better services that a customer can always rely on. The company has more than eighty years of safety innovation. They are working towards a more sustainable transportation industry. Be it a tough off-road application like mining and constructions or heavy haulage application like project cargo movements or any special applications that demands premium quality and high performance, the company has a truck specially designed for every purpose.
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